Today, I went to help a friend do some work on her laptop - this has been something that was pending for several months now, mainly due to her needing her laptop all the time, and the issues on it not critical enough to outweigh being without it for more than a brief time. She also did not want the laptop to leave her home, so I went to her place to perform the services. She left a pile of ingredients on the counter top and I knew what to do when the time came - make something fancy with the ingredients on hand. I also had a bit of young brussel sprouts with me in my backpack, so I added that to the pile, and grabbed some other ingredients and spices from their places and also added them to the pile. So without further ado: *TLAR Asian Continent Style Goulash
8/26/2017 07:08:47
Which are the best electric cooktops? Editors say that GE makes a top performing electric cooktop, while Whirlpool offers the best budget option.
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